A Religious War on Sucking and Wasted Sperm


Editor’s note: In November, FreeThought Arizona will be hosting a speaker locally in Tucson, Dr. Darrel Ray, author of The God Virus and Sex and God: How Religion Distorts Sexuality. Dr. Ray is also known for his Sex and Secularism Survey; you can read his interview on that survey HERE.
 Jim sent me this in May while Rick Santorum was still seeking to be the Republican presidential candidate. I’ve been reluctant to publish it due to the subject matter. If the discussion of oral sex is uncomfortable, please stop reading now. One of the byproducts of so much religious influence in our society is that frank discussions about sexual topics are distressing to many. This is not as it should be. Here’s what Jim Wilson has to say on the subject of religion and oral sex:
 “Let the heathen spill theirs on the dusty ground. God shall make them pay for each sperm that can’t be found.” -Monty Python “Every Sperm is Sacred”
 This seems to be an on again off again issue but Christianity in its various forms has a long history of being at odds with sexual pleasure. Oral sex is an enjoyable experience for men and women of all orientations and a favorite pastime of so many Americans. Religious objections to it tend to get swept under the rug but they occasionally come out. Not long ago, Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum inspired by his “conservative” Catholicism, likely hurt his bid for the White House by coming out against oral sex and the right to privacy. Also, he probably didn’t help himself when he came out in favor of state level bans on birth control. Surveys show that even Catholics do not have a moral objection against birth control. Mitt Romney is also from a religious tradition that has a history of antagonism to towards oral sex as well.
In a 1982 letter,  the Mormon First Presidency declared oral sex to be among the “unnatural, impure, or unholy practices” that would keep one from entering the Mormon temple. Apparently this letter caused Bishops and Stake Presidents to ask about the practice in temple recommendation interviews and the Presidency felt the need to command them not to ask questions about specific sexual practices any longer, subtly backing away from the staunch anti oral sex position without actually reversing it. The Church remains anti-gay opposing same sex marriage rights while opposing sexual feelings outside of marriage. Homosexual Mormons are left option-less. It also has an ugly history of endorsing cruel and ineffective attempts to convert homosexuals into heterosexuals. Some cases resulted in suicide and lifelong mental health issues. Masturbation and impure thoughts are also taboo. The Mormon Church has imposed thought crime legislation on hormone fill teenagers. What could be crueler?
Anti-oral sex and anti-gay attitudes are frequently accompanied by claims of being unnatural and yet both oral sex and homosexual sex have been documented throughout human historyas well as in many species of animals. Homophobia and anti-oral sex prejudices have only been found in one species making them seem far more unnatural.
Genesis chapter 38 and the story of Onan is the source most often cited to justify the religious anti-oral sex, anti-masturbation, and anti-contraception positions.
 “Then Judah said to Onan “Sleep with your brother’s wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to raise up offspring for your brother.” But Onan knew that the child would not be his; so whenever he slept with his brother’s wife he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from providing offspring for his brother. What he did was wicked in the Lord’s sight; so the Lord put him to death also.”
 It is unclear what the Lord actually finds wicked here. Is it the mere spilling of semen or the fact that Onan did not fulfill an obligation to his brother? This piece along with instructions to be “fruitful and multiply” weakly support prohibitions against non-reproductive sexual behavior. The Catholic Church takes these two Old Testament Biblical references to justify opposition to condom use and demonizing loving homosexual couples. Ironically, millions of sperm must die for a single conception to take place. Since masturbation is more “unnatural” than rape, some Catholic theologians who studied St. Thomas Aquinas concluded masturbation is worse than rape. This not a generally held position as discussed in thisARTICLE.
Oral sex is a perfectly natural and normal expression of human sexuality and affection. The fact that religion would demonize such practices is further evidence that religion is destructive to human nature. It also is evidence that many people who claim to be Christian reject the teachings of their religion that they find unappealing in much the same way many self-identified Catholics reject their church’s teachings about birth control. In human society our sexuality is used for much more than reproduction. Religious dogma is wrong when it vilifies this fundamental aspect of our nature.
