In Experiment } Cairo Psychiatrist says he can “cure” 70 to 75% gay teenagers
Cairo Psychiatrist says he can “cure” 70 to 75 per cent of gay teenagers. This “treatment” for my son would cost between 15,000 and 30,000 Egyptian pounds.
I mischievously wrote to several Egyptian psychiatrists asking them if they could cure my fictitious son of his homosexual orientation.
“My sixteen year old son thinks he is gay,” I explained, “but I think he’s just going through a difficult phase…….My son was initially a little reluctant at the prospect (of “therapy”) but I think he has now come round to the view that such treatment, if possible, would be best for him in the long term.”
I have just received the following reply as an email attachment from a leading Cairo psychiatrist offering to cure my fictitious son of his homosexuality in which he claims “the rate of success in similar cases has been between 70 and 75 per cent greatly depending on the will of the patient.”
He also states that therapy usually needs blood tests and SSRIs – more commonly known as anti-depressants. This despite the fact that medical professionals advise against their use for young people
“Some people experience suicidal thoughts and a desire to self-harm when they first start taking SSRIs. Those under 25 years of age seem particularly at risk.”(NHS website )
Dear Ms. Alisdare Hickson,
In regards to your son, I need to meet with him and diagnose his particular case because the reasons for his sexual tendencies may be due to several differing conditions, for example, He may have OCD/or delusions/or Identity Crisis, etc. Every diagnosis requires a different approach and therapy. The time also differs with the specific diagnosis. It may range from 6 to 12 months (sessions would be twice weekly). The price of each session is 300 Egyptian pounds. Therapy usually needs physical investigations (blood tests), psychological tests and also medications like SSRI’s, as well as psychotherapy.
Success of such treatments depends on his particular case which will be determined once I meet with him and give my diagnosis. I do not want to jump to conclusions or give you any future expectations until I meet with him, however, the rate of success with similar cases has been between 70 – 75% greatly depending on the will of the patient.
Please bring with you all of his medical tests and results in order to help facilitate and
expedite the treatment.
expedite the treatment.
Best Regards,
Dr. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx