Gay Soldiers Recognized by Secretary of Defense

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta on Friday thanked homosexual military members for their service, as the Pentagon prepares to mark June as "gay pride" month with an official salute.

In a remarkable sign of a cultural change in the U.S. military, Panetta said that with the repeal last year of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law that prohibited homosexuals from serving openly in the military, "gays" and lesbians can now be proud to be in uniform. "Now you can be proud of serving your country, and be proud of who you are," Panetta said.

The defense chief also said he's committed to removing as many barriers as possible to making the military a model of equal opportunity.

Panetta's video message was part of a Pentagon salute to LGBT troops as the Pentagon joined the rest of the U.S. government for the first time in marking June as gay pride month. It comes nine months after repeal of the policy that had prohibited homosexual troops from serving openly and forced more than 13,500 service members out of the armed forces.

This month's event will follow a long tradition at the Pentagon of recognizing diversity in America's armed forces. Hallway displays and activities, for example, have marked Black History Month and Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month.
I don’t have to tell you and I wont print because you know what the homophobic Family Research council. A group of people that stay up at night researching on how they can eliminate lots of million of peopel that are gay. I guess they are ignoring the gay gene story like they ignore the dinosours…but lately they started saying that they Prehistoric animals were too big for Noah’s Arc so they were left behind, then perished and boila e found the bones. Sometimes I can’t read about these idiots without grinning, the problem is thast the media and so many people in government take them seriously. Grinning stops, anger takes over.
pic credit tumbler
