adamfoxie* What is it?

Founded 2009
What is adamfoxie*blog?                 
No matter how well informed we all are, It is very difficult to be aware of all the events that are happening in our country and the world that affects our community, at any one point.  This is where adamfoxie* comes in. We do the leg work for you. We bring you the stories that are happening on  a daily basis. Many times you will see stories here before they hit the general media. This site prides itself in being unique in the stories it publishes. Sometimes there is no sense in telling you something you already know, unless there was a different angle to that story.
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@ adamfoxie* all tittles are created by the blog, even if the content of the posting belongs to someone else(credit always given). You will always know who the content belongs to or thru what 'via' it came. Exception to this is when the blog is being asked to post everything as it appears in a publication or writters' blog. 

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