Scumbag Rush Limbaugh Blames School’s Tolerance For Murder Of Gay Student Larry King
First he justifies NASCAR fans booing Michelle Obama, now he's blaming tolerance for the murder of a gay kid?! Wow, good thing for him that Fox News is the most watched 24 hour news network, because if the majority of Americans were actually paying attention, his vile, misinformed and falsely moral tone of superiority would never be heard from again.
On Monday, we reported that prosecutors announced that they had reached a plea deal with Brandon McInerney, the 17-year-old student who shot and killed Larry King in February of 2008 because King was gay. During the November 22 edition of his radio show, Rush Limbaugh suggested that Oxnard middle school was partly responsible for King’s killing because he said the school had not done enough to dissuade King from dressing in women’s accessories, wearing makeup, and flirting with male students:Now we’re told in Newsweek that an assistant principal was encouraging this kid to be flamboyant because it furthered an agenda. I wonder what that agenda could have possibly been? Anybody want to take a wild guess? Back in 2008, the parents and brother of Larry King, the kid who was shot, claimed that the school was allowing him to wear makeup and feminine clothing, and that this was a factor leading to his death. [...]Is it any wonder that parents get a little worried when they send the little tykes off to school, because I’ll tell you, folks, what’s happening, especially in these blue states, what’s happening in these public schools, the last thing going on is what we’ve all thought of as traditional education. There is education taking place, and there are agendas that are being promoted, but they’re not what you and I were taught in school. So now a confused 17-year-old is dead because the school, “Ah, there’s nothing we can do. There’s nothing that we can do about this. So sorry.”
King was a victim of homophobia, not tolerance you idiot. Tolerance didn't kill him, a gun loaded with hatred for people that are different did.
Congrats Limbaugh for earning the title, once again, as d-bag of the day and all days from now until forever.
(Source: Think Progress; image source)