MP to replace Nick Clegg hits Comes back to him/ Had secret GAY Life
Party president Tim Farron launched a scathing rebuttal of claims that he was the victim of attempted blackmail over his so-called ‘secret’ gay life.
He said unnamed political enemies had falsely linked him to a court case in his Lake District constituency where a man was jailed for blackmailing a ‘respected member of the local community’ over his private life.
When the story reached Westminster, Mr Farron, 41, said that ‘sure enough’ there were allegations that he was the man, adding: ‘It’s all wicked, poisonous and horrible but I know it’s not true.
‘My wife knows it’s not true. Most people assume it’s not true but you can’t outlaw gossip.’
Speaking to Total Politics magazine, the MP, a married father of four and committed Christian, declined to say who he believed had spread the rumours about him earlier this year.
He said he had not spoken out publicly at the time because he feared it would be ‘counter-productive’.
‘Tim is just about the only senior Lib Dem parliamentarian who is voicing the concerns of the membership,’ said one Liberal Democrat MP.
‘While Clegg and co are increasingly remote, he is the one still very much in touch with the grassroots party.’
Challenged: Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg answers questions
Mr Clegg’s allies, however, say Mr Farron would be a ‘disaster’ as leader. ‘He may be the darling of the rank and file but Farron is a Leftie. He believes in state monopoly of public services. I don’t even think he’s a Liberal,’ said one.
Mr Farron highlighted the gulf between him and Mr Clegg by challenging the party leader’s Coalition ally, David Cameron, over a comment he made after the recent riots, suggesting that one of the causes was that many of the culprits ‘had no father at home’.
Mr Farron, who was brought up in a single-parent family, accused the Prime Minister of ‘a massive insult’ to single-parent families.
He also warned Mr Cameron – and Mr Clegg – against trying to use the issue as a ‘pretext to introducing tax cuts for married couples. It’s absolutely flipping not’.
Nick Clegg suffered another blow last night when one of his senior aides said his own party members didn’t like him.
Lib Dem Defence Minister Nick Harvey declared: ‘The party’s never loved Nick and never will.’ He said that Mr Clegg ‘must feel like s*** half the time’ while the party itself was ‘reeling’.
And Mr Clegg faces a revolt over fears that changes in MPs’ constituency boundaries will ‘decimate’ the ranks of Lib Dem MPs.
At a private meeting last week, former party leader Charles Kennedy angrily told Mr Clegg he would refuse to give up his Commons seat for neighbouring Scots MP, Lib Dem Cabinet Minister Danny Alexander, when their existing constituencies are carved up.
Mr Clegg tried to placate Lib Dem activists opposed to his Coalition alliance with the Conservatives, calling the Tories ‘our political enemies’
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