The Jewish vote went against the Democrat because of gay marriage? Tell me is not true!?

By Alison Fox, Pervaiz Shallwani and Aaron Rutkoff
Many Jewish voters turned out to support Bob Turner in Tuesday’s election, bucking the historical pattern in their Democratic-leaning neighborhoods and helping seal an upset victory for the Republican congressional candidate.
Voters interviewed Wednesday pointed to their opposition to same-sex marriage and Turner’s pro-Israel politics as factors that swayed them to pick a Republican. It was the first time in nearly a century that the GOP has won the Ninth Congressional District, which includes parts of Brooklyn and Queens.

Associated Press
Jewish supporters cheered as Republican Bob Turner took the stage at an election night party on Tuesday.
Chaim Klein, a 26-year-old bookkeeper in Brooklyn’s Midwood neighborhood, said the election came down to issues, not party politics.
State Assemblyman David Weprin, the defeated Democratic candidate, voted in favor of gay marriage earlier this year, “so people went out against him,” said Klein, a self-described Democratic voter in the past. “Now because of this people voted Republican.”
Tzirel Zlotnick, a teacher and self-described Orthodox Jew and Republican voter in Kew Gardens, Queens, said she didn’t think much of former Rep. Anthony Weiner, the Democratic lawmaker who resigned from the seat following a scandal over sexually charged online messages. But she would have voted for Weprin, who also identifies as an Orthodox Jew, if not for same-sex marriage.
“How can he call himself an Orthodox Jew and vote for gay marriage?” Zlotnick said. “If not for that, I probably would have voted for him.”
Bella, a principal at a Jewish school for girls in Midwood who declined to give her last name, echoed the decisive nature of Weprin’s same-sex marriage vote. “We felt as a community this is where we wanted to take a stand,” she said.
Not all voters in the district switched party affiliations in Tuesday’s special election. Richard Bollmann, a resident of Brooklyn’s Marine Park section, said he remained loyal to his party and voted for Weprin. But he is not surprised by Turner’s victory.
The Republicans “really wanted the seat,” said the 77-year-old contractor, who described his neighborhood as littered with pro-Turner lawn signs. “They ran a good campaign. Once Turner got some of the Jewish vote, that really tipped it.”
Political observers have made much of the Republican victory as an indicator of President Barack Obama’s sagging popularity, particularly in a district that is normally a Democratic stronghold. Several voters interviewed Wednesday agreed that their vote was meant to deliver a message to the president and his party.
Joann Tobin, a retired Bell Atlantic employee who describes herself as a “liberal Republican,” said she had voted for Weiner “every time.” Still, she voted for Turner after feeling taken for granted by Democrats.
“It was the lesser of two evils,” said Tobin, standing outside the office building that houses Weiner’s district office in Kew Gardens. “I didn’t like the way that they Democratic people from upstate were pouring money to Weprin.”
Dave Blustein, an accountant from Kew Gardens, said he is an independent. “I was open, but it’s a one-party system you have here,” he said. “I don’t like Obama.”

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