'Camp Lightbulb' is a summer camp for gay teens

Submitted by Jeff 
Although they are brave, gay and lesbian teens may feel isolated and desperate after coming out. CampLightbulb is a summer camp for gay teens to launch next summer designed specifically for openly gay youth. Support and pride-building activities will be mixed with a traditional summer camp experience. The camp will be limited to 10 and 15 boys and girls, ages 16 to 18. Puck Markham thought of the idea, and invested $15,000 of his own money to get started. He estimates it will cost approximately $50,000 to take the idea from the drawing board to reality. The week-long camp will focus primarily on four areas: the traditional summer camp experience of communal living, bonfires and sing-alongs; daily activities exploring Provincetown, such as the beaches, the Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies, the Pilgrim Monument and the Provincetown Art Association and Museum. Gay support and pride-building activities will allow teens to vent and share in a supportive environment.

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