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Barney Frank To CNS' Nicholas Ballasy: Shower Spray Won't Make You Gay

man Barney Frank chided a reporter for asking if gay and straight
 service members should shower separately.
Frank let out a sarcastic gasp and turned the tables on CNS' Nicholas
 Ballasy when he asked the question.
“What do you think happens in gyms all over American?” Frank
 responded after letting out a loud gasp. “What do you think goes 
wrong with people showing with homosexuals? Do you think the spray 
makes it catching? … We don't get ourselves dry-cleaned.”
“I know you're looking for some way to kind of discredit the policy,” 
Frank added. “Do you think that gyms should have separate showers
 for gay and straight people?”
Ballasy refused to answer the question, saying he was “just quoting the recommendation” in a Pentagon report on repeal of the military's ban
 on open gay service.
“Don't be disingenuous,” Frank chided. “You're quoting those you think 
may cause us some problems. You're entitled to that, but you
 shouldn't hide behind your views.”
The “gay agenda” is “to be protected against violent crimes driven by 
bigotry, it's to be able to get married, it's to be able to get a job, and 
it's to be able to fight for our country,” he said.
