The Supremes Decide Wether The US Has a Monarch like Putin or A Lawful President

As I listen to the Supreme Court's pros and cons arguments on whether the President of the United States can break the law or not. Repeat, Break the law or not? "Is there someone in the world who has no schooling or a doctorate in law but still would not know the answer?" what they would Say?? What I just posted, Not a law breaker.

When they come back the Supremes...(I will bet my last dollar) would say in whatever language or speech, "No one is above the law"
We have in Washington DC nine justices discussing this issue. I will bet my bottom dollar again that no matter what they decide there will be at least two justices that won't agree with the majority. You can't agree to something simple, it always must be a complex issue.

To these nine justices, it seems this is a very complicated, complex question. Never mind that the Appeals court and lower courts have ruled "No one is above the law" The United States does not have a monarch like Russia and therefore this is a nation of laws. I learned that in school everyone used to repeat it regardless of political affiliation or taste. Then What happened? 

This is what happened, the nation had one of those moments that some people have, a mental breakdown.. They lost their mind for a little while, thinking that a man who was not known but only by where he came from, would be the answer to a certain anger they felt. Not because they had not done well but because they saw the nation was going through a change for the worse. They felt uncomfortable. A change through or have already gone through is the experience of having lots of babies being born with not totally white skin. That made this type of individual very insecure, and angry. They thought that a rich man from NY was white and orange but they liked the orange, this is someone who had not worked one single day in his life but had different companies and he drove into the ground. He was white/orange and people Could smell his bigot ways. Indeed a bigot and Convicted as a sex abuser. 
They elected him and he had a ball! Traveling and making money getting gifts and making more money for favors. He lost the following election and so there the problems of crimes started coming to light. As President, the person has powers to keep most crimes secret. Imagine all the law enforcement agencies are under him. He has the best lawyers in the world and thus he can keep secrets secret. So what happened?

He liked being president. He liked all the money he was making. He would donate his salary to a non-profit owned by his buddies but no matter he made many times that by dealing with other nations and getting paid for favors. The law finally caught up with him because the number of crimes just smelled so bad someone had to do something. But what really did him in was to try to falsify the election so he could stay as President.

He then said he is not criminally liable for all the things that he did from Giving out pardons for money to having an armed mob of people attack Capital Hill resulting in four deaths. One lady was shot in the head as she came in through a broken window to the cops trying to keep the mob from the full house and senate that were in session.
He said because he was President, he could not be prosecuted for all his crimes, even if he ordered the National Guard to shoot dead a person he did not like(wonder who he had in mind?), he would not see the jail.

All the previous presidents operated under their ideas and the ideas of their lawyers, under the law of the times. 
This man is special. I call him The Donald because I have always called him that and he is what he was before, a lawbreaker that lives off people.

So today these nine justices are deciding for probably this whole century whether we have a monarch who does not need to pay attention to the laws, or A Prince who can pay attention to some laws but not others. Or A President who obeys all the laws that an individual follows as long as his security and the security of his family are not at stake. As an ex-president, he would mellow out like all the other 45.
Tough Question! I decided on it long before this Supreme Justice got seated today, mainly managed by him The Donald (He Nominated two of the most conservative justices and two were leftovers).
No man is above the law and he should be jailed if found guilty. The Supremes make the law by the amount of votes surpassing the others.

The word is The Donald is getting something on the decision, not everything but something. If not at least delay the Trials on the docket. But even if Donald gets nothing he already gets a delay to his trials. Something he wants so he can run for President and run again and if he wins, then wipe all the bad stuff on the bathroom floor. If he loses? His Pals at the Supremes will take care of him.
What do you think?
