
The Gentrified Mayor “Affordable Housing” {{for people able to afford Housing}}

Gay Panic In Indonesia Threatens U.N.Youth Cultural Help

IRS Grants Welfare Tx Exempt to Karl Rove’s Dark Political Machine

Why No Autopsy on Justice Scalia

Good News for Men: Your Doctor will Not feel your Prostate Unless he is also Your Husband

Naming a Scalia Successor will Not be Easy for Obama but not Impossible

Scalia’s Replacement will Change America’s top Issues for Decades

Supreme Justices Ideology over time {and Scalia Interactive Graph}

Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead

Valentines’ Movie: Gay Footballer in “The Pass”

Ted Cruz Hires then Pulls ad with ”The Passion Desire “Actress to point to His Values

For Valentines take your pick: The Highest Grossing Movies for 2015

Putin Trying to Destroy E.U. Killing as Many Woman and Children as ISIS in Syria

[Not Since WWII] NATO Orders Warships to Aegen to Ease Deadly Smuggling of Refugees