
Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead

Valentines’ Movie: Gay Footballer in “The Pass”

Ted Cruz Hires then Pulls ad with ”The Passion Desire “Actress to point to His Values

For Valentines take your pick: The Highest Grossing Movies for 2015

Putin Trying to Destroy E.U. Killing as Many Woman and Children as ISIS in Syria

[Not Since WWII] NATO Orders Warships to Aegen to Ease Deadly Smuggling of Refugees

FaceBook: 'More Australians are coming out with their Profiles than ever before’

What is wrong with Clinton and Millennial’s? Here is the Fix!

Despite The Supreme Court Ruling There still 11 States with anti Sodomy laws

No More Nice Guy Gay Character on TV ‘Where is Will and Grace?’

Luke McAvoy Ex Lineman Comes Out: “The relief on his face will stick with me the rest of my life”

New Hampshire Primary by the Numbers [Interactive Graph]

Rubio’s Gaffe Brought Out What the GOP Knew Internally: His Stump is Hallow inside

The Philippines Gets hit by the HIV Bullet it had otherwise Dodged