
Showing posts with the label Stupidity

Sen.Enzy from Mars:’Gay Students Invite Violence by What They Wear’

A Mechanical Fish Gay? Only in Australia

Sky News Dumps Host Calling a Boy Gay for Backing Women’s Rights

Trump Throws Old Friends by the Side Says ”Don’t Worry”

Defense Ministry Gay Themed TV Episode Shown on China Pulled by YouTube

Deplorable Trump Lesbian Comes Down on Clinton’s Campaign Mger for Being Gay?

Secret Service Speaks to Trump Who Denies Meeting and says it’s All a Joke

On Pulse’s Anniversary Rubio Speaks to Anti Gay Group

Response (from x-CIA Panetta) at Convention to Trump’s Asking Russia to Hack US

Dancing at a Funeral New Craze by George Bush

Your Body does Not Care Where it Relieves it self but Politicians Do

Palin gets Heat for Stupid remarks Blaming the President for Her Son’s Arrest

Cruz Doesn’t love NY Values but Loves the Money and Begs for it $$

Truth: GeorgeW.Bush was a Coward and Dan Rather a Screw Up