Studies! If you want to be Involved in One for Payment Wait!

"Can she still breathe after two hours covered in plastic? Wonderful now we know not to cover someone in plastic for 2 hours. But maybe we could use an infant next time?"

I am doing a study myself of the main places or companies, pharmaceuticals asking for people to take a vac, pills or they want to go poking inside or outside of you.

This will be available this weekend, I will tell you which ones Ive experience with, which ones say they pay you but they don't, at least not the way they said. You don't need a gift card for stores you never heard of or are not in your city or state. 
Let me help a bit. Ge acquainted with my blogger pages and see it been since 2008 with almost 7 million hits and app 25,000 stories published.

Nothing gets me so sad and pissed for these companies with people making good money whether doctors or staff people and they could not do their job without you and then they want to drop you a token that you can't even use to have a coffee and roll.

"Well sir you are only 5 feet and 11 inches, not quite twelve but since we py for the inch we can only give 19.50 instead of $20.00 We are giving you this gift card to spend at Albertson. Good luck and thank you for helping us get bigger than 11.5" This is not a real encounter but it might give you an idea of what is going on.

Adam Gonzalez, Publisher, writer.

Click under my name.
