WE Celebrate Ukraine and Stand With Them on The R. Aggression

This war is like no other because a lot of it is on social media and on all the news. Yes, there are those that say "Russia is defending herself'" This I heard this woman in Germany say yesterday. She was safely in Germany I would bet you she would not return to Russia. All you have to be is older than 5 yrs old with a plain view of events to say "Die Dicke Dame ist verrückt". That is right you have to be crazy or be watched by the KGB not to see how things are. A Nuclear Superpower going after a smaller nation. But life is funny sometimes, as bad as humans are to other humans, Russians Vs. Ukraine twoman, children and elderly, schools, hospitals, etc., There are the nations of NATO and others that can see not just the injustice but how it will affect them if this Country is allowed to become the Nazi Germany the world fought against.   This is a big world but some with big pants and small hands believe is not big enough for them. How does the world put out such animals?
Adam Gonzalez, Publisher
