Congrats to Sweden, Netherlands}} The US Congress Signed NATO Treaty Yesterday

NATO A new way to Protect The Atlantic countries from continuously losing millions of men for wars that only made sense to the people creating them. What do they get out of wars? The leaders get to stay in office if they win and have the nation forget all of the other problems of poor management and corruption. Look at Russia, a nation with a highly corrupted government that trickles down to the armed forces in which you have ships shooting themselves or friendly airplanes. Invading a sovereign neutral country like Ukraine and not being able to accomplish that they take to bomb the women, children babies into submission. Only a sick or stupid person would conduct a war like it was in 1940 or in the middle ages for that matter. 
NATO is an idea of those who fought or saw up close the savages of WWI and WWII. They wanted a way to get nations together with a treaty on humans right, they would not abuse any of their people. No more slavery working for free or almost free and keep the government away from people's bedrooms because the government does not belong everywhere. As we move forward I hope those nations who at one point belonged to the Soviet block and now have joined NATO, hope they get rid of the old KGB ideas about gay people and allow them to be free and open. Everyone knows there have been gay people since the foundation of the world but during the past millennium, it was ok if it was kept in the closet and never spoken of it. That is not the way to treat people that are decent and help the nation with brain power and every kind of work to move it forward, particularly in the armed forces and science.

So Long Live Sweeden with the Netherlands. Beautiful people that soon now will be part of the world defending each other from animals that from time to time gain power in governments.

                                        Netherlands   Sweeden                                        💙 Ukraine
                                        Flag of Finland    Flag of Sweden  💟💟.          and we love Flag of Ukraine
