Why Some Parents Want Books Banned (a list)

These parents don't like green ham either, nor the book that talks about it.

Why parents want book banned? Are those parents know history and in a sick society which only guards the right of the ones that violate others. Wether it was the nazis or the early church, the Romans or the early Israelites. Book banning and burning is always followed by an implosion of a society. 

Up until recently we have been happy to be a nation not scared of information. Like Christ said, you take the good and refute the bad". *Even Jesus never talk about burning books. But his followers did latter on when he was no longer around (story according to the book "The Holy Bible, St James Edition"). That book was burnt at more than one occasion.

So what does anyone accomplish by burning books they don't like? Nothing! besides showing intolerance  and anti Christian, human rights values. If you don't like the book, you don't read it. How about your son? Kids are not too much into reading in general. If they show interest in a particular book, maybe the parent should also ready and find out what is it their kid sees. May be the parent will find out their kid wants to know if he is gay or want to find out how to put a shot gun together and in what parts of the body the kid need to to put on the hair of the gun to kill somebody. 

We need to know what we consider good information and bad. We can have the information protect us. 
But unfortunedly those parents don't think about that the way I just described. They are not educated on issues they disagree with, like homosexuality. So, they think homosexuality is something you become or something you can give to others like a virus. They have not read because they don't like the subject that being gay is something you acquire in your mommies belly like being a boy girl in between and what color eyes they are going to have. 

If you want to see and hopefully read the books the parents are banning, here is the list;
