A Scammer Friends U in Instagram then Wants to Move U To "Hang Outs" WHY?

Adamfoxie will help you stay away from scammers. We have a database with the ones that tried and in one occasion succeeded to scam the Publisher. That was a mistake from the scammer. That's the one with the tongue out. "Soldier in Khandahar when there was no American personnel in Khandahar.  These misguided experts in lying and use other people's personalities to get something out of life that otherwise they can't get. The guy in the bottom pic sticking his tongue out gave me the opportunity for around $15.00 to talk to him. That completed the circle. He had a very southern accent but not just southern but the one you find on a guy with little education. 

Hang up on these low, very low individuals. I believe they have been recruited and sold a program to entrap guys. I believe that because they stick by script. The tongue hanging-out guy thought he got me so good that he abandoned the script at the end.

He got me to hangouts which is also called 'google chats' but I was able to copy all his conversations and pictures and paste them on my data file on the clouds.
Be careful and never go for a guy that without knowing you offer marriage and a house and things a regular human being cannot offer without knowing the recipient. Besides not everybody is into marriage, they assume everyone over 40 is.

No sense giving you names because they use different ones.

Below answer to the question on the title.................


No. 2 and already I was made smarter by number 1

No 1


I think we'll I know they will friend request you on Facebook and Instagram once you start chatting they ask you to move to hangouts or what app they will then delete that profile they met you on saying like I don't need to be on Facebook anymore because I met you etc all the while there are a ton more profiles they are using they will have many innocent people going at once its disgusting hope this helps stay away and block.
