Happy Pride! Are you one of the Millions?

                        Mrs. Harris The Vice President Wishes You Happy Pride!

As someone who has hit retirement age this Ive received with mixed emotions. It is nice you get a coupe of small discounts but at least one does not have to work unless one is starving and hasn't got any money. Then retirement is the way until you stop breathing. There are many like that. But for me I have no idea, if I have made the right decisions. I will know soon enough in which category I fall into.

 No more work unless is something I enjoy or  to go back and take something. Can’t show my resume because then I would be overqualified. That happened to me with a national company for a part time and Have gone through everything including final video  interview and they suggested to look up in another dept. of their company. I didn’t understand until I look at the job tittle again. They figured I will take up their time in training, then find something better or just get board (every has to be retrained because companies do things differently from each)  and leave leaving them holding the expenses.  The training is necessary also because if you screw up they don’t want you to say: Didn’t know that, I should have been trained.” 

So I felt rejected but I figured pretty much very fast why. They didn’t tell me why just that they would like me in a job in a different dept. and invite me to look. Of coarse all the others required moving away. That is cool for a young guy but not for someone retiring. That would be a mistake. 

Well, June is here again and this time there will be a parade and walk celebrating our diversity and roots. It used to be my favorite time of the year. Nice weather and lots of visitors, sailors, etc. Until the company moved me out....then, the only Pride was usually on the TV and latter on the internet when, one was formed. No is not that Im that old, Im not  it’s the internet who is very young even though there are kids that believe its been there forever.

Came back to NYC and maybe I will watch it live. But I will have pride either way because I know what it did to me when I was in the closet and how much inspiration it gave me at seeing I was not one of the few,  But one of the Many Millions.
