Some Jesuits Want Fr. James Martin Head on a Plater and It Better Not Be a Rainbow One

Fr. james Martin
The LGBT community has few images like this. So it is not surprising that they would add their own symbol, the rainbow, in a respectful way, to a beloved image of their mother. How appropriate that she is weeping, for it her son who suffers whenever an LGBT person is persecuted

A petition has circulated asking the Jesuit Order to censure one of its priests for blaspheming one of the most sacred images of the Virgin Mary.

Life Petitions, a project of the pro-life news site Life Site News, started a petition asking the Jesuit Order to “censure James Martin, SJ, for offending Poland by blaspheming the Black Madonna” one week ago. As of Wednesday morning, the petition had garnered more than 17,384 signatures.

Martin sparked outrage when he tweeted a picture of a Black Madonna painting that replaced the golden halos surrounding Mary and Jesus with rainbow-colored halos.

As the Life Petition explained, the Black Madonna, also known as Our Lady of Czecstochowa, is “venerated and revered in Poland as representing the Virgin Mary, who is the patroness and protectress of the country.”
