Hot Blooded Foul Mouthed Alec Baldwin says Adios MSNBC


Alec Baldwin, MSNBC
MSNBC has ended its tumultuous affair with temperamental star Alec Baldwin. Baldwin’s show,Up Late with Alec Baldwin, had been suspended for two weeks after Baldwin was accused of hurling a derogatory gay slur at a cameraman. After much consideration, and a few not so positive ratings, MSNBC has decided not to continue the show at all, leaving Baldwin to bid adieu to the cable network.
The incident with the cameraman was only one of Baldwin’s reported clashes with his coworkers; he had been accused of demanding a make up room used by a cancer patient who was sensitive to hairspray, claiming he didn’t care if she had cancer – he wanted that dressing room. He also insisted on a humidifier while filming 30 Rock, ranting the air was too dry.  His behavior in both cases alienated the actor from staffers.
This is, by far, is not the first account bad Baldwin behavior; in fact, the actor has a history of rants, altercations, temper tantrums and terrible tweets, many on the same level as what nearly did in another notoriously bad-tempered actor, Mel Gibson.  Many remember the backlash over Baldwin’s phone message to his daughter with ex-wife, Kim Bassinger, in which he told Ireland Baldwin that she was a thoughtless little pig.  Then there was the fight with a flight attendant over a game of “Words with Friends”. And, of course, there are the numerous clashes with the paparazzi that not only find their way into the wide, wide world of celebrity news, but also make their way to Baldwin’s own Twitter account.
So far, the public has given Baldwin more of a pass than Gibson, partly because Baldwin is as well-known for his temper as he is his acting. According to Washington media strategist Hillary Rosen, who has been friends with Balwin for years,  his hot-head persona and verbal bullying are just part of who Baldwin is, and that his outbursts are just as authentic as anything else about the man, even though his latest actions were enough to cause MSNBC to bid adieu to Baldwin.
This may be why Baldwin’s bad behavior is more acceptable than say, Justin Bieber’s; society often creates an image of a star, and then gets shocked when the star doesn’t live up to a predetermined standard. But that’s not the case with Baldwin. He has always been notoriously temperamental, notoriously bad-mouthed, and notoriously egotistical, and that’s what those who love him, and those who hate him, have simply come to expect. There is no shock value in a Baldwin temper tantrum. On the flip side, Baldwin is also known for passionately championing for causes he believes in, and for donating millions to charity.
However, good works can only go so far in making up for a bad attitude.
Some are saying the actor was fired, while others are saying Baldwin’s departure from MSNBC was mutual.  Either way, Baldwin’s late night talk show is history, and, as Baldwin bids adieu to MSNBC, the actor, who is currently filming a movie in Hawaii, can move on to bigger, and hopefully better, things.
By Heather Pilkinton
