Mr. Yellow Armstrong, this One You Won by Yourself

  I kept the faith even on credible reports. Even when I saw him loosing and then he and his team would just show superhuman strength and come back for a win. Not once but several times. I admired how he handled his cancer recovery, but anybody that had the support and medical attention, would for sure recuperate in an admiring way.
You know when someone tells you something is good, in my case is duck pate; But your taste buds tells you it’s shit from a duck or the chef itself. Well, that's how I became to see my yellow Armstrong.
The evidence it's been in, but now even for skeptics. The ones that believe that cheating in a sport that is supposed to show natural human endurance, a team working together for a common goal and pure honesty in the way is accomplished. The bikes, the helmets, everything is examined so everyone would have an ‘equal’ shot at winning.
I guess Mr. Armstrong never knew of the honor or just got lost in the smoke created by wanting something so bad for yourself, that you ignore everyone else.
Well Mr.  Armstrong, you won it for your self and you will be remembered as a dope, not as a hero. Enjoy, this one you won by yourself!
Adam Gonzalez for adamfoxie*
