In Staples co Founder Divorce Did Romney Perjured Himself?

Is this one big bombshell?
TMZ says that Romney gave a deposition and testified during the trial of the long, ugly divorce battle. However according to Maureen, Romney lied under oath in order to protect Tom Stemberg.  
According to TMZ, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is involved in a bitter divorce case between one of his biggest supporters, the co-founder of Staples Tom Stemberg, and his first wife Maureen.
TMZ Reports:
Partly as a result of Romney's testimony, Maureen got relatively little in the divorce, but we're told just weeks after the divorce ended, Romney and Tom went to Goldman Sachs and cashed in THEIR stock for a fortune.  Short story -- Romney allegedly lied to help his friend and screw the friend's wife over.
And there's more ...  Our sources say years later, Maureen, who suffered from MS and had multiple bouts with cancer, got a visit from one of Tom's guys, who gave her papers informing her that Tom was cancelling her health insurance. our sources say the irony here is that we're told Tom was working as one of then Governor Mitt Romney's chief health care advisers.
Maureen lost her home in the process and struggled financially.
They also report that the Boston Globe has served papers to unseal the court file and lift a gag order, which will reveal "juicy information about Romney."  
Stemberg and Romney's business ties go deep. Bain Capital helped launch Staples ... widely seen as the first big success for Romney's venture capital company -- and Romney sat on Staples' board of directors for many years.  
Stemberg has filed papers opposing the Globe's motion. Romney's lawyers have not responded.
Tom, who's a major Romney supporter, spoke at the Republican National Convention last month.
by Robert Boyle for Global Grind 
