In Saudi Men Are Used Instead of Women For Breast Cancer Awareness


Saudi Arabian ad for breast cancer awareness.
In Saudi Arabia, women can’t vote, drive or associate with non-male relatives socially. All this is supposed to protect women from the out-of-control desires of men. If they see a flash of female flesh, they turn into sex-starved degenerates wolfing for a woman. Thus, women are covered up, holed up in residential compounds and regularly become part of polygamous marriages with several women and one man.
I don’t care what argument that is used. This is not protecting women. It is oppression at its worst. All this inequality is manifested in the name of sheltering vulnerable women. It also creates ridiculous situations in an attempt to maintain this charade.
This ad on breast cancer awareness is a fine example of this. Yes, men do get breast cancer. It is good to keep men informed of that risk, but men remain a fraction of the breast cancer cases. It is primarily a woman’s disease. So what do the Saudis do? They make an ad about breast cancer awareness without women. As Amal Awad of Dailylifewrites:
In Saudi Arabia, however, it’s left, somewhat bafflingly, to shiny, happy men to caution women about breast cancer and the importance of getting mammograms, which, if you think about it, makes as much sense as appointing a male spokesperson for the pill. Guys may well have a vested interest in its effectiveness, but it’s ultimately a woman’s deal.
Now I’m no marketing expert, but I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that featuring men, no matter how cheerful they look, wasn’t the best way to go on this one. Given that the target is women, and their wellbeing — and I’m just freewheeling here — maybe, maybe, this one could have been left up to the women themselves.
Apparently, it is taboo in Saudi Arabia for women to discuss their breasts among themselves. That is left to men. If women are allowed to take control of their own bodies, then the next thing they are going to want to do is drive and vote. They may even refuse to be chattel to men. For the misogynistic Saudi society that is too risky. Better to leave men in charge of women’s breasts.
