The Phoenix Sun Star Steve Nash Comes Out For Marriage Equality

Steve Nash
Image via Wikipedia
   by Cynthia S. Wright
Steve Nash has come out in support of New York’s marriage equality proposition. Nash, plays for the Phoenix Suns, whose CEO Rick Welts, just recently revealed that he was gay.
The clip is produced by the Human Rights Campaign and shows Nash discussing his love of New York and playing in the Garden, with shots thrown in of Nash handing his on the basketball court.
The commercial ends with Nash stating:
“A growing number of professional athletes are speaking out in support of gay and lesbian couples getting married, I’m proud to be one of them. Join me and the super majority of New Yorkers who support marriage equality.”
Nash, who has wanted to join the campaign for a long time, joins several other athletes that are open with their pro-LGBT allegiances. So far, there has been no apparent backlash – unlike NHL player, Sean Avery – who debuted his video for marriage equality earlier this month.
This comes on the heels of Chicago Bulls center Joakim Noah hurling a homophobic slur at a fan during the Bulls vs. Heat game Sunday night. At least with Nash’s commercial – he is going on record to stand up against those (in the NBA or otherwise) that are bent on trying to keep LGBT equality out of the mainstream.
Surely, there will be more LGBT fans cheering for the Suns this upcoming season, being that Welts, Nash, Grant Hill and Jared Dudley are all involved in the fight for LGBT equality, one way or another.
