HOw Would Trump Being Sent to Jail Work?

 Before I go into the story, as of today I have information that the Secret Service has no power over the New York Dept of Corrections. What would happen is if Trump is jailed for a week(probably) is, the jury would be given that week off and Trump will be handed over under the protection and jurisdiction of the NY Department of Corrections. It will give the agents a week off and the jury. Inside probably Trump will be assigned guards to protect him 24/7 but I don't see him being in the general population, instead in a one-man cell with the usual open and disgusting toilet and wash hand basin which is part of the ensemble. I don't think he will like it. It could be that a taste of it might put his brain back inside his head. But Trump is not the first Big personality that has done jail time. These people are prepared to hold a judge or senator (there will be one tasting it but over in jersey-2025), or a Resident of Mar O-Lago. Sometimes particularly when everyone is watching (around the world too) the system needs to be fair and just for a change and apply the law justly no matter who the defendant is. What nobody is saying now is Trump met his match with a Judge who has the power of the law behind me but more importantly so far he has known how to use it justly and smartly.

{NBC News Source}:
The fourth week of Donald Trump’s hush money trial began with a $1,000 fine for violating a gag order — and a threat from Judge Juan Merchan that he would send the former president to jail “if necessary.” Yesterday's fine is in addition to a $9,000 fine the judge imposed last week for nine previous gag order violations.

Merchan did not specify which jail Trump would end up in, but experts said it would likely be Rikers Island. “The department would find appropriate housing,” the jail’s top spokesperson said when asked what would happen if Trump were to be sent there. Experts described what else might happen if Trump goes to jail — from the intake process to how the Secret Service would protect him. 

At yesterday’s trial, Jeffrey McConney, a former Trump Organization executive, and Deborah Tarasoff, the first current employee to testify, described how the many large sums of money that went to Michael Cohen for alleged hush money payments came straight from Trump’s bank account. And for the first time in the trial, a check from the alleged scheme was shown in court. Here are other highlights from Day 12.

It remains unknown which witnesses will take the stand today, though, at some point in the trial, Cohen and adult film star Stormy Daniels are expected to testify. Read more about today’s trial. 

