Germany Can't Count on Ukraine Help or has No Memory of Their History and Gays

BERLIN, Nov 9 (Reuters) - The situation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in Qatar is difficult, but Germany currently does not have a travel warning in place for the country, said a foreign ministry spokesperson in Berlin on Wednesday.

The spokesperson also condemned comments by a Qatar World Cup ambassador in an interview with German television broadcaster ZDF that homosexuality was "damage in the mind", calling it an "unbelievably homophobic" incident

The Publisher Adam Gonzalez:
Germany does not offend the head of state of nations she does business with. After all, she needs oil and gas before anything else. Somehow they have decided that their relationship with Russia for gas and oil and the Arabs specifically Qatar is not worth hurting anyone's feelings and I understand that. What I don't understand is that a nation that knows how to produce excellent products we use does not know how to count.

As we approach the anniversary of the United States entering WWII we count how many Americans, British, French, Australians, Poles and Germans were lost in a war they started by backing a madman like the U.S. did by electing Donald Trump. I'm from Manhattan He is from Queens but we are from the same city and I have always known about Donald Trump. It is so obvious he wanted to do a Hitler on this country because after being elected he wanted to change the system so he would win every election just like a man he admires up to this day, Putin the man in Russia.

Germany does not seem to understand that by starting that war they did not need to start the amount of death and mayhem it is felt still today. I'm told the winners of WWI had unreasonable demands on them. But Germany had already done what they wanted and against the papers they signed agreeing not to have a fighting navy, army, etc. They already were in the production of all the things they wanted to produce but they did not feel like paying for the oil and minerals for iron and other metals. They decided to try to get it from the east, including the middle east. 

I don't want to rehash but to those who have forgotten this is a small reminder of how things started to get to the total number of lost lives:

 An estimated 40,000,000 to 50,000,000 people died during World War II. Among the Allied powers, the U.S.S.R. suffered the greatest total number of dead: perhaps 18,000,000. An estimated 5,800,000 Poles died, which was 20 percent of Poland's prewar population.

Alongside millions of Jews, homosexuals were also persecuted by the Nazis.

Gay men had no place in the Nazi vision as they did not enable the growth of the Aryan population and were deemed unfit to be soldiers. Soon after Hitler took office, he banned all homosexual and lesbian organizations. In May 1933, the Institute for Sexual Science in Berlin was ransacked and most of its 12,000 books were publicly burned. This marked the beginning of ridding Germany of any openly homosexual or lesbian culture.

Enforcement of Paragraph 175 – the German statute prohibiting homosexuality between men – had been sporadic prior to 1933. However in 1934, a special Gestapo division on homosexuals was set up, and in June 1935 the Nazis harshly revised the Criminal Code. Anyone found guilty could be sentenced to a decade in prison.
The law did not ban sexual acts between women, so although lesbianism was not condoned, women did not face the same persecution and very few lesbians were arrested or punished.

In October 1936, Himmler created a Reich Central Office for Combating Homosexuality and Abortion. This gave the police powers to jail indefinitely without trialing anyone they deemed dangerous to Germany’s moral fiber.
Friedrich Althoff (b. May 16, 1899), a waiter from Duesseldorf. —Landesarchiv Nordrhein-Westfälisches Hauptstaatsarchiv DĂ¼sseldorf Copyright: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Around 90,000 men were arrested for homosexual activity between 1937 and 1939. Between 5,000 and 15,000 were imprisoned in concentration camps.

*It is unknown how many perished, but one leading scholar, Ruediger Lautmann, believes the death rate may have been as high as 60 percent. (The Holocaust Center).Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, a Jew, and homosexual founded the Institute for Sexual Sciences. Berlin, Germany, 1928. —SĂ¼ddeutscher Verlag Bilderdienst, Munich, Germany Copyright: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Coming back to the numbers and I had to review the numbers because as I wrote Germany seems to not know, not counted correctly, or just plain forgot.
Now you might want to ask, why rehashed such a bad chunk of history? 
I would say because Germany is still here and her behavior seems to be the some similar as it was when she forgot the world and only thought about themselves. With the exception of the Jews, they have had the campaign to show their regrets by monetarily helping Israel. But it was not just Jews that died unnesesarily because a man convinced the nation they were superior, other so low they could be put aside. 

What I fail to understand about 19-21 century Germany is if they felt bad about the Jews now why don't they feel bad about the Poles the Ukrainians and Gays?   

We have a situation of a nation, Russia with a one-man, Putin behaving like Hitler. He got all that Hitler had, the camps, the jail, the killings. Just that it stays inside because they only have a state press just like Germany had.  A good example of how Russia behaves we have an American Sports personality that for no reason in an educated human country, was sentenced to 9 years jail and was just put in A CONCENTRATION camp. Does the name Concentration Camp rings a bell? They have invaded Ukraine like Germany invaded Poland. Killing the Poles in a similar fashion they kill civilians, women, and children in Ukraine. I don't ask anybody to killed Putin but one could use their influence and mouths to say this is wrong, please stop!

I have made my case and the question again to Germany is: You have committed to help the Ukrainians and you have not done so. To my count the other nations that promised help have given Ukraine around $82 billion mostly in weapons. I'm not going to say how much Germany is given but the amount is very small compared to others and always after begging and Prodding by Mr. Zelensky. It seems they have a relationship with Putin but they won't criticize in public anything he is done. At least I have not seen it. To say one will help in the reconstruction is to say let them die now, the those that are going to die and we will donate the wood for the coffins.

I say Germany forgot the numbers of deaths that were incited by one of their governments because otherwise smart, productive people, with sympathy with others who should be understanding their pain would be the first ones to help. No one is asking for anyone in Germany to lose their money and become poor or lose their lives or anything like such. Yes, they will pay more for their energy and maybe harder in staying warm in January, February. But that is life. 

My electric bill was just increased with less than 30 days' notice, 21%. I don't have it but I will have to come up with it through a loan or credit card maybe. Part of it is the Price of oil not from Russia but from Saudis who are a different case altogether. That price small for not buy from russia.

You can imprison gays for kissingor holding hands But You can't stop it.
But think what you allow men to do with a sword as long as they dont touch.

The Saudis resent the world particularly the west for not being nice and thus the west fond them oil and they became rich.
No one expects them to help and I'm talking about promises made and responsibility depending on where in this globe we call home and our history with other humans. The Saudis are a different camel altogether.

As I started this op-ed it was the story of the Germans not criticizing the Qataris for treating the LGBT community as people that are worthless when they don't even know how many gays they have in the kingdom. I have not been to Qatar and would not be welcome there but I have been inside Qatar as a younger guy at the Waldorf Astoria.
I think coming out to them and saying We Germans have a large community of LGBT and have been unfair to them, we wish for you to try to the human side of it instead of concentrating on sex.

* Around 50,000 of these were sentenced by civilian courts, 6,400 to 7,000 by military courts [de], and an unknown number by special courts. Most of these men served time in regular prisons, and between 5,000 and 6,000 were imprisoned in Nazi concentration camps. The death rate of these prisoners has been estimated at 60 percent, a higher rate than those of other prisoner groups. A smaller number of men were sentenced to death or executed at Nazi euthanasia centers. Nazi Germany's persecution of homosexuals is considered to be the most severe episode in a long history of discrimination and violence targeting sexual minorities.
