The Prosecutor Need a Snitch Some Say About Trump Not Getting Indicted Yet


The prosecutor needs a witness from Trumpy Shitheadski's innermost circle. The prosecutor needs a snitch.

From now on, whenever you think about the “Trump Crime Family Organization”, be sure to remember “Little RICO”.

Little RICO is the New York state version of the Federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act of October 1970. The lil' fukker is extra nasty for bad guys too. It includes “Intentionally acquired an interest in or control of an enterprise by participating in a specific pattern of criminal behavior; or. Participated in a pattern of criminal activity and invested proceeds derived from those activities in the enterprise.” (That accurately describes the workings of the Trump Crime Family Organization to a tee.)

It's like the old story about the old bull and the young bull on the hilltop looking down at a valley full of cows.

The young bull asked, “Why don't we will run down there each get us a cow?”

The old bull answered, “Why don't we walk down there and get them all?”

They want to drop a ten million pound executioner's axe called “RICO” spot onto the hair-transplants and relocated scalp of El Supremo Mango. The prosecutors slsoy want the whole rat’s nest of thieves called “the Trump Organization'.

“Racketeering” is the actions performed by racketeers to acquire a business through illegal activity, operating a business with illegally-derived income, or using a business to commit illegal acts (like insurance fraud, mortgage fraud, bank fraud, wire fraud, money laundering, tax fraud, stealing, embezzling).

From Freddy Drumpf thru to Ugly Tiffany, the whole goddamn family is a bunch of racketeers.

All that documentary evidence from the Trump Organization search warrants, including those old fashioned “two sets of books” (those morons didn't even have the good sense to use electronic bookkeeping to document their felonies) are all smoking gun stuff. But they need a cooperating Trump child (or that shady bookkeeper “Sharp Pencil” Weisselburg might do.)

The prosecutors need a snitch and there are plenty of 'em.

The obvious problem with putting anybody named Trump under oath is that they're all a bunch of pathological liars. That means the prosecutor must nail down every loose end for all the principles involved in the conspiracy so they can't slime their way out of trouble.

“Daddy's Lil' Favorite” Ivanka is crooked as a dog's hind leg. She's got criminal exposure regarding millions of dollars defalctated from the Inaugural Goodie Barrel. She's got three little kids and husband's worth three hundred million dollars. Also, she was unlawfully employed as both w2 salary employee and a 1099 contractor (that's caught tax fraud). Ivanka definitely has the strongest motivation to sell Creepy Daddy down the river. Ivanka is not looking forward to reconstituted scrambled eggs, Dannon vanilla yogurt facials, a steel toilet without a seat and Pilates classes in the prison yard at Sing Sing.

Donny Boy seems like an easy target. No job, no skills, no work habits, exposed to RICO as a member of the board of directors of the Trump Crime Family Organization, and he's got that trashy party girl Kimberly sucking him dry. Kim don't want no man that ain't paid.

We don't know much about the elusive, mysterious, dumb looking and incoherent Eric except that he too has dangerous criminal exposure as de facto director of the Trump Crime Family Organization. His bimbo wife is a hottie too - she gets paid to do weird things on camera on FOX.

I think Ivanka is it going to turn state's evidence.
