The Sad Dead Face of Poverty *(If UR Sensitive Don’t Open)

On these pictures above, you can see two people sitting on a bike. It may look normal for some at first sight. But in fact, both of those sitting behind the rider are no longer alive: they are dead bodies.

I thought I was aware enough about the worst of poverty. But I recently came across how deceased people are taken from villages to the morgue in some remote areas of D. R. Congo. As they cannot afford to rent a hearse to take the body (the morgue being located very far from the village), people decide to wrap it with fabrics then they seat it behind a rider, so the rider takes it to the morgue to get it stored there. This trip can last 10 hours in some cases if the village is very far from the city.

That's another sad face of poverty in rural areas of the world.


RD CONGO : Les cadavres transportés à moto dans certaines zones rurales
