They Got Grossed Out and Now Want the T's Removed

As a welcome party for adamfoxie blog International hopefully many more years to go, I decided to have fun. I seldom have fun anymore. Picking these three duds who fell so crazy about what they like they fell this compulsion to tell the world. Their tattoo represented the most and the mostest but why didn't they did not put it on their buns or someplace where only few could see it? They made sure everyone could see guarantee!would see it unless they close their eyes. The interesting thing is that now they want them removed.These are the type of people that fall in love for someone or thing and they want to write their name everywhere like if they were going to forget. I had a guy after having a conversation on the net, my computer starting ringing...he typed a dozen message of "I love you."Not impressed. Even if I would have liked the guy I would have doubts wether he had all his marbles lined up in the right order. The list could be longer but I got grossed out and the idea was to have fun.
If you are reading this I have feeling for you why don't you let me know you have feeling to this mediam internet magazine who cares about our community and the information we all get.

