Thankful for Thanksgiving
What are you thankful for?
That is the most important question we can ask ourselves on this day and everyday. No matter how well we are doing we most think of those that are lacking, on the same thought as we might be experiencing awful circumstances on this day and throughout the year, be sickness or death the most important thing we possess for a few instances of our lives on Earth is just that, the life we have been given to be here today and knowing that no matter how good or bad we are having it, it will not last.
Therefore for the experience of being here on what ever circumstances, I shall hope we will leave here with a sense of accomplishing something and a sense of thankfulness for being giving the opportunity to be here on this earth.
There are things we will never understand and being one of those is while as we enjoy our dinner on thanksgiving day why there are innocent children and people lacking the basics of what we have. In Syria, Iraq, most Africa,Venezuela to just name a few.
As we acknowledge those wanting we should give thanks everyday that we are able to have a doctor when sick and a blanket when cold. I wish all of those nations getting this message today and the readers in the U.S.A., a healthy thanksgiving and memories of sharing our love with our families.