15 Life Saving Tips for On line Dating
Like it or not this is the age we live in. Everything is impersonal. You don’t even have a banker or a grocer anymore. For the task of finding someone is become the same, impersonal and it can be complicated. If you are not a church going person, you are private and not into bars and constant get togethers like you were on AA or visit to your probation class and to top it off you like to shop quickly because you only buy for one; My friend that means you are going to spend the rest of your life alone or you will learn online dating. It can work but you will need help to come out alive with two balls in their sac or the ovaries where they belong if you are a he or.she. This is advice on getting the task of not finding the wrong guy which is more important than finding the right guy in my opinion. These tips are from my experience and from reading what current experts in dating are saying
Adam Gonzalez, Publisher, Editor
1. If he has no photo up. How Serious is he to meet someone? Most everyone has a picture of themselves.
2. Look at his profile carefully. If all they speak about is hooking up and sex, they might not be for you. Chances are is a “wang bang thank you man.”
3. If his profile is messy and misspelled then it was not written for you but for someone like them that they don’t give a damn.
3.Texting at the very beginning but ASAP “Phone” You will get an instant hit if they are not for you. If they don’t want tot all on the phone for so called security reasons, then what are they doing in online dating? It probably means they are closeted and do you want that. Even if you have not come out yourself, a secretive guy will make live a triple life. Yours, his and the closet.
4. If the initial contact is purely sexual is ok if you a re into that. Wether you want to reserve your cherry which probably is been popped more than once to play that game is fine as long as both are willing to play the same game and are tuned to the same station. Be plain and straight forward about that without sounding forceful either way. This might be an opportunity for someone to try to win you over with romance. Don’t expect too much but keep expectations in check.
5. If he doesn’t want to meet for the first time in public but insists in private, watch out. It is ok to meet at his or your place for the first time, but the pressure will be higher and there might be an expectation of sex. But if you are comfortable of for it.
6. This is one of the most important ones “ No chemistry” Like a dead pnis there is no CPR for that.
7. If it seems he never read your profile just saw your photo. Be attentive how he ask you questions that are on your profile. He might be verifying information you have and judging to see if you have the same answers. You will know if hasn’t read it.
8. If he is reluctant to talk about themselves on the phone.Even if they ware shy they should know themselves and only he can testify in his favor here.
9. If they are separated is ok as long as there is no connection. If not eventually he might miss his old flame and leave you burt out and tossed away.
10; The profile should match what is being said in words
11. Some people lie about their age. The important thing is to judge the person when you see him. A few years don’t matter and eventually if there was a little playing with numbers there should be a reason. For instance he wrote 30 but is 25 but explains that explains that he looks 30 and he does. Brought his age up or down to match his looks not to be a wise ass and be something he is not and doesn’t look like he is. This should be the only white lie that should be tolerated. Everything else should be the truth. The relationship should be based in truth because honesty is going to be the cornerstone that at times might be called to hold the whole package together.
12.If they don’t write anything on their profile, then they are as empty as the profile. You are being led into a a dark house without lights.
13.On a site people pay sometimes you find more serious people, but that is not guarantee by me.
14. You need to know the date of the main photo in the profile! Also all the other ones but the one that says how he loos like should not be older that 24 months. That is pushing it and if he has a pic 2 yrs old as his profile but then he has one within the year is ok. 5, 10 20 is silly and very wrong, but people sometimes put their baby pics in there like if that was supposed to say something particular about them. All babies are cute and most people have better skiing when younger unless they had a case of acne.
15.A good sense of humor is cool but making fun of you or anything of your is a big no-no. It’s a matter of the respect he has for you and wether he is a jerk off.
16. Your inner voice and intuition is going to help you. Let it also guide you. If you are getting a bad feeling there is a reason for it and is not a reason on your side.
Adam Gonzalez, Publisher
adamfoxie blog International
ps: If this helps you in anyways, please come back and buy something from one of the commercials in adamfoxie’s site. We are squeeze by the times in which you pay(we) for news, names, etc.
Adam Gonzalez, Publisher
adamfoxie blog International
ps: If this helps you in anyways, please come back and buy something from one of the commercials in adamfoxie’s site. We are squeeze by the times in which you pay(we) for news, names, etc.