A Rich Gay Hollywood Pool Party Results in Rape Allegations Over A Decade Latter


Bryan Singer and Hugh Jackman at Comic-Con

A rich Hollywood Pool Party results in repeated rape allegations over a decade latter and to tell you the honest truth, I don’t give a flying peace of east river junk.
Since I posted this story using European media it’s been a constant hit of readers which is cool and it’s understood why. This is a story that peaked my interest right away. Why not? Words like gay, rich, rape, wet guys, pool party.  Those are words that makes the imagination work overtime no matter who is at the end of the stick but particularly if it involves a super successful gay rich dude by the name of Bryan Singer with another tremendous hit on his hands as his movie comes out. The allegations are being made by a grown man of 31,alleging that it happened when he was a young man not yet 18, his name is Michael Egan
It’s similar to the allegations that were made against the catholic priests in which most cases turned out to be true.
Stories are emerging of a sub-culture of powerful gay men in Hollywood and the parties at which they wield their power through sexuality. Is that news? yes! Even if you haven’t read the stories just by knowing that this sort of thing happens in the straight world  because we already have seen it, it also happens in the gay world. We have our share of the three “S’s” Super rich, super poor and scum bags just like the straight world.
 Everything in these allegations is following a script, like most things in Hollywood. This is because the story is not about sex which occurs everyday but about money and power which not everyone has in large quantities. What do I mean? Just as the movie of this franchised is to come out and many years after the alleged incident this man comes forward with his story. We have a young kid hanging out with older rich guys with the hope to make the way a minority makes it through, by the way of the back ass door. It is true that the responsibility rested on Bryan Singer of permitting minors on his boozy, etc., pool party. I am however not going to defend either one. I do know that innocent or guilty Bryan will pay a price now because I can remember a very rich successful straight Hollywood Director by the name of Roman Polanski.  This man was practically destroyed by the allegations of sex with a young girl.
To those following the story if I could suggest that we just watch the movie if it’s good and leave the sex accusations to the lawyers on both sides and maybe eventually to the courts. Because we just don’t know and unless there is a video of the incident it’s going to be uphill to prove but in this case but the alleged victim has a lot less to loose than the alleged perp.
Powerful Hollywood types will not learn to protect themselves because I’ve seen that the rich and powerful always think as themselves as invincible, particularly if they are still relatively young. This story will loose it;s luster in the media until there is some sort of evidence coming out. Counter suing the alleged victim does nothing to bring clarity to this case and I’m not sure is helpful at this point.
If anything pops, will plug it right here!
