The Overwhelming of French People Support gay Marriage at 63%

France - 

The French are a large majority (63%) favor gay marriage and 58% adoption by homosexual couples, according to a survey to be published in Sunday Ifop Ouest-France.

More than a third of French people (37%) are the same "strong support" for marriage and 30% "strongly" in favor of adoption.

The results of marriage are similar to those observed in 2004 (64%) in a survey conducted for the Ifop women's magazine Elle, but show "a marked increase" over the last fifteen years with only 48% of French people favor gay marriage in June 1996.

On the issue of marriage as the adoption of strong divisions are felt with 68% of women favor against only 58% of men for marriage, and 64% of women against 50% of men on the issue of adoption.

Significant differences are felt by age, with over 65 years that are only 46% to be in favor of gay marriage and 43% in the right to adopt, against 76% in favor of marriage and 72% in adoption in 18/24 years.

But the strongest divisions appear depending on the trend with political supporters left in favor of marriage and 82% to 70% in the right to adopt against 41% in favor of marriage and 37% adoption among supporters of the right .

Internet survey by the June 21 to 23 among a sample of 1006 persons aged 18 and over, by the quota method.

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