The Homophobic Homosexual: Oxymoron? No is Not, It's Common
Why should a gay hidden man get to hide in a closet and rebuke out gays at same time?
In my life I have had several encounters with guys that go out of their way to prove to everyone how non-gay “straight” they are only to find out later they weren’t so straight after all. If a thief gets another one being lynched by an angry mob, he would pick the biggest stone maybe to prove how he detests the act.
If a homophobic person is all that straight, and truly comfortable in your own sexuality why do you give a damn about others? Why do you feel so uncomfortable about gays? These experiences have led me to believe that these same people only do so because they are trying desperately to conceal their own feelings. That’s why.
According to a study by the American Psychological Association (APA), Psychoanalytic theory (definition and dynamics of personality development ), holds that homophobia -- the fear, anxiety, anger, discomfort and aversion that some ostensibly heterosexual people hold for gay individuals -- is the result of repressed homosexual urges that the person is either unaware of or denies.
Another Research experimented by the University of Georgia involving 35 homophobic men and 29 non-homophobic men as measured by the Index of Homophobia scale. All the participants selected for the study described themselves as exclusively heterosexual both in terms of sexual arousal and experience.
Each participant was exposed to sexually explicit erotic stimuli consisting of heterosexual, male homosexual and lesbian videotapes. Their degree of sexual arousal was measured by penile plethysmography, which precisely measures and records male erecting levels.
Men in both groups were aroused by about the same degree by the video depicting heterosexual sexual behavior and by the video showing two women engaged in sexual behavior. The only significant difference in degree of arousal between the two groups occurred when they viewed the video depicting male homosexual sex: 'The homophobic men showed a significant increase in penile circumference to the male homosexual video, but the control (non-homophobic) men did not.'
Men in both groups were aroused by about the same degree by the video depicting heterosexual sexual behavior and by the video showing two women engaged in sexual behavior. The only significant difference in degree of arousal between the two groups occurred when they viewed the video depicting male homosexual sex: 'The homophobic men showed a significant increase in penile circumference to the male homosexual video, but the control (non-homophobic) men did not.'
Though some scholars argue using another theory of “anxiety” trying to explain that maybe the Homophobic men aroused because they might be anxious, since “anxiety has been shown to enhance arousal and erection”.
But going by my own personal experience I concur with the first theory. Homophobes are gay in denial. “They get into my nerve” You update a suggestive status on face book and there are the first ones to protest its “unnatural, un African, un Godly “you may think some are holy Mary mother of God.
But going by my own personal experience I concur with the first theory. Homophobes are gay in denial. “They get into my nerve” You update a suggestive status on face book and there are the first ones to protest its “unnatural, un African, un Godly “you may think some are holy Mary mother of God.
Why feel so insecure. I “do not hit on anyone or anything” we must be mutually attracted to each other.
Life is hard enough, rising cost of living, food prices sky high so is it logical for a homophobe to waste so much calories hating gays?
All this are intrigues of gay life. An out gay wants others to be out when the hidden one is hypocritical and shouts loudest against it.
All this are intrigues of gay life. An out gay wants others to be out when the hidden one is hypocritical and shouts loudest against it.
Sometimes I feel the hidden gay man who demonises homosexuality deserve to be outed. Isn't a homophobic homosexual fighting an out gay man worse than being a gay man who is scared? The hidden gay man who makes Public derogatory comments about out gay man will himself beg for individuals to cover him ones he is caught practicing homosexual behavior in private.
Call it blackmail or whatever you wish; I look forward to the day when these entire homophobic homosexual will be named and ashamed. And if you are a gay man who knows another gay man is homophobic yet you engage in sexual activity with him shame on you.
Get over it, if you are gay and try to hide it by shouting loudest against homosexual, you never know when fate will out you. The injustices that we have suffered in your attempt to live double life and cheating the public will come haunting you. If you are a gay clergy, what about keeping off gay matters?.
Any time I am in church and the preacher quotes the holy book and how homosexuals will be locked out with dogs. It makes me feel like I can throw a shoe at him and wonder how many of these religious fundamentalists are as hypocritical as he is. “I know i will go to hell” according to homophobes but still I love God and I do not insult him, he did not assign me a sexual orientation that will lead me to hell. After all he is the Judge.
Written by Sakata