HIV Cases are Down so, How is HIV being Transmitted?
Before I talk about the human transmission of the virus, lets take the words of explaining the life cycle of the HIV Virus:
representation of HIV |
In order for viruses to reproduce, they must infect a cell. Viruses are not technically alive: they are sort of like a brain with no body. In order to make new viruses, they must hi-jack a cell, and use it to make new viruses. Just as your body is constantly making new skin cells, or new blood cells, each cell often makes new proteins in order to stay alive and to reproduce itself. Viruses hide their own DNA in the DNA of the cell, and then, when the cell tries to make new proteins, it accidentally makes new viruses as well. HIV mostly infects cells in the immune system. Infection: Several different kinds of cells have proteins on their surface that are called CD4 receptors. HIV searches for cells that have CD4 surface receptors, because this particular protein enables the virus to bind to the cell. Although HIV infects a variety of cells, its main target is the T4-lymphocyte (also called the "T-helper cell"), a kind of white blood cell that has lots of CD4 receptors. The T4-cell is responsible for warning your immune system that there are invaders in the system. Replication: Once HIV binds to a cell, it hides HIV DNA inside the cell’s DNA: this turns the cell into a sort of HIV factory. There is a report out today that a sex porn worker was infected by the other (working partner) with HIV. Neither man was taking any Prep and there was no talk for retrovirals since they thought they were HIV negative. They both have been tested. From this we get a strong feeling about the men that go around saying they are not HIV, negative because they were tested. That makes as much sense as the people that say they are “ clean” and do not have a need to be tested. Both statement are simply careless and outright dangerous for them and particularly their partners. What really happened with these porn workers? : True they were tested. The man who was positive had been tested but then he passed on the virus any ways. We are going to assumed he was tested correctly at a clinic or Dr. and there was no breaking of protocol insuring a sound true result. So he gets tested then has sex, then shows for work and bingo he has it. This is just so much common sense that is hard to understand why people get confused. 1. A test tells you how you are that instant. If you had the test right after turning HIV chances are is not going to show up because there would be no active antibodies. The virus is either dormant or more likely is quietly fighting the immune cells trying to convert them. 2. A test can not keep you from getting HIV. You get tested this week and get converted the following weekend you could convert the next person you have had sex with. It is wrong to say that you are negative because you were tested. If anybody were to say that, one question needs to follow: Did you have sex since you were tested? If the person had sex even with a condom the person can’t say that they are negative until they get tested again. Am I saying one needs to be tested every time one has sex? Yes and no. Yes if there was a condom used and the condom was not examined afterwords for breakage or to make sure your partner did not pulled it out. No if there were either Prep used or if a person that was HIV had been undetectable for more than six months and still taking their meds as instructed. Also if they are a couple in a monogamous relationship that knows their status. Now keep your pants on Im going to review this: 1. If you want to be as 100% safe as safe can be knowing that nothing is 100% percent, you need to be tested after every anal intercourse if you are single. Easily done in most advance nations were you can buy the test kid and test yourself. a) You can use PrEp which is pre-exposure prophylaxis= Taking an aids antiretroviral pill. Currently Truvada has been approved by the FDA since 2012 as the tool to do this job. ( We are waiting for others to be approved and there is talk of a gel made out of AIDS meds that will kill the virus on contact. Truvada is been chosen because is does just that. It kills the virus by having the DNA to prevent the virus to replicate. Also Truvada is been well tolerated by those taking it. People tend to take it the day before they are going to have sex or in case of rape or negligence it can be taken up to 72 hours latter and still prevent you from turning. 2. If you are in a monogamous relationship you are taking the blind chances away. If you are having sex with different sex partners every weekend or so then you change the odds. Even if its with the same person like in the case with the porn worker I mentioned above. He had a partner to work with. Still you never know what the other person does and many times what people do and what they say is either different or just omitting certain things. 3. You become HIV and you fall for someone who is not. In matters of the heart you can’t legislate and there are no human conditions that predict your behavior when you feel you found the qualities in a person you have been looking for all your life. But now it turns out that either you are or he is. What to do? Before, Guys got together and they trusted the condoms. Other times when they got tired of the rubber and wanting to have the skin of their man they took the chance. Some got HIV and others didn’t. It was the roll of the dice. I was in a relationship as such for 5 yrs. I found it easier than I thought it was going to be. Now things are changed by the researches knowing what the virus looks like and by targeting antiretrovirals to lock into it. What does that do for a zero discordant couple? When the HIV partner is taking anti retrovirals as prescribed and he has been undetectable for more than six months that refers to that partner at least in the classroom not able to transmit. The research varies on this depending were it was done and how big the examples. France, New Zealand have research that when you had a discordant couple(one positive the other not) in 97% percent of the cases the positive partner was not able to transmit the virus. This is a tremendous change. If there are any doubts there is always prep as a precaution before sex. Keep in mind that the information Im giving you here is my interpretation of what I have learned by studying HIV and as patient. It just so happens that a lot of words I used came from my ex Doctor which in 2012 wrote the first national opinion on Truvada as Prep. You have the responsibility to check all the facts. I’m giving you a couple of links were you can go and and verify the information here. I am not a doctor and I am not prescribing a treatment regiment for you., I am telling you things from experience and what I have learnt from material easily available to anyone with a computer or access to a library. I want to dispel those words that are used such as “Im clean I have been tested” which means on my opinion “nothing.” As previously discussed you saw how you could be tested and still turned someone positive. There are words which are not medical but that are used and it consfuses people or it put down people for no reason what so ever. “Clean. Not Clean, unclean, full blown AIDS and similar words. These are words that are used at temples and places were they talk about human beings being dirty spiritually and so on. You are not dirty if you have diabetes, you should not be dirty if you have HIV. If you see the Virus and how it attacks the immune system is more like a battle field like when we invaded Iraq. You have soldiers and you have ranks of cells up to general. Some fight others direct the fighting, others are spies and others are look outs. It takes place inside a human beings’ immune system and carry by the blood and fluids (not tears, not saliva, they have been no reported cases of anyone being turned by saliva or tears, sweat). It’s a beautiful clean environment enclosed inside your body. Anything that is dirty happens outside a body and inside a bigot or uneducated mind. Adam Gonzalez, Publisher Adamfoxie*Blog Int. |