
ISIS Suspects by State in the US

Should You Care About Nudity? WHY?

Catfishing in Damascus: People on the Net Pretending to be someone else {Movie ‘A Gay Girl in Damascus’}

The Last Mass Shooting in San Bernandino Tell Us: “GOD AINT FIXING THIS” NY Daily News

Saudi Arabia Denies it Executed Horse for having Gay Sex (Lashes,castration and death for humans)

2 Shooters Dead one in Custody also Graph on Gun Deaths By State

ISIS Global Strategy

In India: “Never Care Much About Gay rights Until Our Son in Law Turned Out Gay”

The Black Ministers Loving Trump {Speaks Volumes}

Anti Gay Petition in Singapore to Stop Adam Lambert

Doctors and Stigma, the worse enemies of HIV in this {World AIDS Day}

The Queen of war torn Luhansk Mikhail Koptev was good- until the Tanks Arrived

East Ukraine has Become very Dangerous for the LGBT Community

According to Jake Gyllenhaal is Ok to Come Out in Hollywood Now