
A Hate crimes calls meF*** Fagget come out and see your car being destroyed

How do you feel if you were follow to see if you picked up after your dog??

Could this be what Gates said about a more humane in enforcing DADT?

Men that voted for McCain were not able to get it up that night.

Clossetted Gay Gov. Charlie Christ sells his soul to the Unchristian right!

Ewan McGregor with his tongue inside a man's mouth. Just a friendly kIsS

Mob hit man out of the closet: Robert Mormando is gay

What's the Proper Punishment for the Parents of 'Balloon Boy'?

Judge refuses to dismiss gay marriage ban suit He asks lawyers to show how gay unions pose threat to traditional ones

Twitter: Don't change your log-in data until further notice

Why does Face Book needs to know??


Two Democratic Senators Refuse to Support DOMA repeal

A Dick is not enough to get you Laid By A Gay Man