Why does Face Book needs to know??

Be aware that quizzes are revealing
For many users, one of the primary attractions of Facebook is the virtually endless selection of games and quizzes. Part of the lure of the games and quizzes is the social aspect. In the games, friends can compete against one another; through the quizzes, you can learn more about your friends while being briefly entertained.

The ACLU exposed problems with how much information these quizzes and games share, though. When a Facebook user initiates a game or quiz, typically a notice pops up to declare that interacting with the application requires opening access to information; the notice also provides the user the opportunity to opt out and cancel, or to allow the access to continue.

The permission page clearly tells the user up front that allowing “access will let [the application] pull your profile information, photos, your friends’ info, and other content that it requires to work.” One might wonder, as the ACLU has, why any game or quiz application would “require” access to your friends’ information in order to work.
