
Sexual Myths and fallacies } How is Yours?

The Afghan LGBT Community(others) R Asking Mr.Biden Why R U Letting it Happen to Us?

Taliban’s Back Like Before If UR Gay, a Woman Not Following Sharia UR Dead

Black Fams.Have to Hire P/I to Find Son Because Cops Were of Not Much Help

Region in Poland Backs Down on Anti Gay Resolution Thanks to The EU

How Does it Feel to Be Used as a Prop of a COVID Conspiracy? (Real Stories)

Anti Vaccine Vigilante Groups Push Sick People to Leave ICU's

Trump’s Lawyer Gave VP Pence a 6 Step Memo on How to Overturn The Election Illegally

Under The EU $ Financial Gun Poland Begins To Back Down on Anti Gay Resolution

The Homophobic Sandwich is Charged!

Gay Man Killed At Rikers Isl Jail, Fam Demand Investigation