
Democrats in Congress Plead with Trump to Count the LGBT Pop.

Texas Rep Quotes Bible: “if man won’t work, he shall not eat” No Snaps

Gay Men Are Being Arrested/Shot by Chechen Government Agents

Trump Has Gone Under The Radar Against LGBT Rights

Forget Homophobic Caribbean Islands,Maui is the place for LGBT

Fed.Judge Law Suit to Proceed Vs.Trump for Inciting Violence

20% of American Millennial’s Identify as LGBTQ

Verizon to Install Spyware on New Androids

Democrats Deliver Letter to President to Reconsider Dropping LGBT/Census

White House is The Keystone Cops, Can’t shoot straight Just yells and Shouts

Israel To Take More Occupied Palestinian Land in The West Bank

Carly Simon’s xHubbie Reveals He’s Always’ Being Struggling with Sexuality