
Contrary to Pro Military Buffs A Lot of The World Hates AmericanForces and their Pooping Dogs

47 Years of Medicare, Elderly, Disabled Living Longer } GOP Fighting it More than they DID 47 yrs ago

Michael Phelps 18 Gold Medals in Olympics

Death Watch(for some)Companies: Will U Miss Them?

Tasmania is set to be First State to Approve Gay Marriage

Lochte’s Mom Backtracks and Defends Her Son’s One Night Stands?

Belarus in Hot Water With EU After Expelling Ambassador Over TeddyBears

Michael Phelps USA, 20 Golds While Tagir Khaibulayev Russia, Wins over Mongolia Gets Neck Breaking Hug from putin

US Band “Train” Pulls Their Song From Anti Gay Site (song vid)