What Madman Would Say "Hospitals Are Thrilled By Their Supplies" When Their Patients R Dying off 'Cause Lack of It

What does He has to say? Do? He is said it all and have done very little to save lives and anyone who asks why to his face, he insults or gets fired! How much dying does it take for this nation to say we goofed, enough!!! We need a governemnt now. You can't be talking about budgets, debt, jobs, economy. Why? They already went to hell. So if we can't be talking about those which used to be an excuse for some Republicans, now they went to hell, then why do we need a crazy man in the white house???? Can anybody answer this? 

 Unhinged, this picture is not photoshop. Im sure you have seen it.
An association representing thousands of hospitals across the country is pushing back after President Trump claimed that hospital administrators are "really thrilled to be where they are." 
The American Hospital Association said hospital officials are worried about shortages of critical medical supplies, including medication for patients and personal protective equipment, or PPE, for health care workers. 
 Morgue is full and the trailers are full..Where do we put our dead, Donald Trump, or we just too happy to bury them!

 "Not a day goes by where we don't hear from hospitals and health systems across the country that are concerned about shortages of PPE for their heroic front line caregivers," Alicia Mitchell, the group's senior vice president of communications, said in a statement to NPR. 
She said that in addition to concerns about shortages of ventilators and other critical equipment and supplies, the association increasingly hears complaints about a lack of drugs needed for patient care. 
"The AHA continues to urge that all levers be used by both the government and private sector to ensure those on the front lines have the resources and support they need to care for their patients and communities," Mitchell said.
During the White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing on Saturday, Trump said that hospital administrators "even in the really hot spots – you know what they are – are communicating directly with us that their level of supplies are meeting essential needs. And at the current time, they're really thrilled to be where they are." 

The American Hospital Association and other medical groups have raised repeated alarms about a shortage of supplies like surgical masks needed to protect workers fighting the coronavirus pandemic as the nation's death toll from the virus climbs above 8,000. Governors of hard-hit states including New York and Louisiana also have warned about shortfalls of supplies including ventilators.
