Sen.Cruz and The GOP want to close the Border to Syrians Including Infants
CNN anchor Dana Bash called Ted Cruz out this week on his anti-Syrian refugee hysteria, asking him how he would have felt if his Cuban refugee father had been turned away by the U.S.
“What would have happened if your father, who was trying to get from Cuba to the United States, and the political leaders said, ‘Nope, we don’t think so, because who knows? Maybe you could be somebody who could, you know, commit crimes against Americans,’” CNN’s Dana Bash asked the Texas senator during an interview on Monday, pointing out Cruz’s apparent hypocrisy. “See, that’s why it’s important to define what it is we’re fighting,”
Cruz said. “If my father were part of a theocratic and political movement like radical Islamism that promotes murdering anyone who doesn’t share your extreme faith or forcibly converting them, then it would have made perfect sense,” Cruz said.
Ted Cruz and bro. They have done well for themselves! |
Ted Cruz is a citizen of the United States and is eligible to run for president is because of our history of immigration. Sadly, Ted Cruz and other GOP candidates would like to repeal the 14th Amendment, and force the deportation of children who were born here of immigrant parents. Unlike Bobby Jindal who dropped out of the presidential race today, Ted Cruz has the backing to take his campaign deep into the Republican primaries. His anti-immigrant rhetoric mirrors a long history of nativist hatred which includes the 1800’s Know-Nothing Party featured in the movie “Gangs of New York.”
Ted Cruz and others are seizing on the fear of terrorism which has been reignited in recent days to rally the conservative base and other uninformed voters. They’re hoping that their supporters ignore the fact that America was founded by immigrants, and that in 1939, Jewish refugees were turned back from our shores to die in Nazi concentration camps. ISIS/Daesh is counting on people like Ted Cruz to further anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim hatred in the West. It’s part of their propaganda to convince the Middle East and Muslims that America is hateful, and to bring recruits to their ranks. Ted Cruz probably knows this, and he’ll gladly sacrifice our legitimacy on the world stage to become the Republican nominee. []
“If my father were part of a theocratic and political movement like radical Islamism that promotes murdering anyone who doesn’t share your extreme faith or forcibly converting them, then it would have made perfect sense,” Cruz said.
“But what about Muslims who are victims of the radical Islamic terrorists who are taking their religion and they’re hijacking it,” Bash said. “What about protecting those people?”
“There is no doubt that millions of people are suffering from the rise of radical Islamic terrorists,” Cruz replied. “Christians are suffering, Jews are suffering and other Muslims are suffering.”
Bash then wondered if Cruz was saying that even those Muslims shouldn’t be allowed in the U.S.
“What I’m saying is Syrian Muslim refugees should be resettled in the Middle East, in majority Muslim countries,” Cruz replied. []
In New York City the home of the Statue of Liberty Mayor de Blasio called New Jersey’s Governor and Presidential candidate Christie, also a byproduct of Immigrants to task over his remarks that he doesn’t want to admit a single Syrian Refugee, including children under 4 and infants.
There are many things human beings have in common but the most commonality we all share is facing death. Compared to the world we live in any human lives only a minuscule amount of years. In those years wether you are rich or poor, sick or healthy we are given the opportunity to do unto our fellow man or do to our fellow man. We are all presented with opportunities at one time or the another in which we can help someone or step on their head. With a history of being founded by people running from their own lands it is so republican to be bitching and moaning that some amount among the refugees might be bad people. On that assumption we should close all the borders for ever and should never leave home in the morning nor at any other time. It is so ridiculous that we allowed these power hungry men and women of no convictions unless it directly benefits them to go around spewing insanity and hatred in the name of the American people. But then we also offer these men freedom of speech.
I commend Dana Bash from CNN for doing her job and standing ground to this man who no one really knows his legal background. There is a lot we don’t know about Sen. Cruz like if he is holding dual citizenship from US and Canada of which if he is he is broken the law by running for the US Senate. What we do know is he should be the last person in the world that should be talking about immigrants and proposing laws to band them. He is done well here and his family is done well here, now let others of no fault of their own find refuge like his father did running from Castro. There was no ISIS in Cuba just a government his dad did no agree with because that government wanted his money. These people are not running away from ideology or religion or bad financial situations, they are running for their lives.