NYC cabbies ripped off passengers, agency says..I just knew it!!

Taxi drivers allegedly overcharged by $8.3 million over past two ye
NEW YORK - Thousands of New York City taxi drivers overcharged passengers by more than $8.3 million over the past two years by setting their meters at a rate that was supposed to be used for trips to the suburbs, the Taxi and Limousine Commission said Friday.

At least 1.8 million trips were wrongly charged at the suburban rate, which is double the rate within city limits, the commission said.

The city has about 48,300 licensed cabbies, and data shows that 35,558 have illegally charged a rider at least once, the city said. A smaller group of drivers is responsible for the majority of overcharged trips — 3,000 cabbies were found to have doubled the meter rate more than 100 times.
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