
US Killings by Police by Race/Interactive

Democratic Gov. Reversing Gov.Jindal Anti Gay Bigotry Exec.Orders

Trump Wants to Punch Protester in face, His Manager Arrested for Same

A straight 22 Kyle Parker, Rapes and Kills a Toddler 1.5Yr old

What John Travolta Gay Needs are When He Travels He Gets

Dominican Gay Teacher Political Run Grateful to have Gay Ambassador

Mi6 Spy Exposed by Wife as Gay over Scandal

Partying to Death Sexing to the Death because We Are GAY

The Countries with the Most/Least Income Inequality

The Adherence to Ancient Scripts is the Mother of Most LGBT Discrimination

60 Years of Genocide Around The World

Atlanta Forewarned: Pass Anti Gay Religious Bill and Loose Superbowl, etc

ISIS Targets Destroyed by American Air Strikes