
Boxers NYC Opening

Betty White gears up for 'Saturday Night Live' Mother's Day tribute gig: no nudity and no dope jokes

Medical Ethics and the Rights of People with HIV Under Assault

New York Senate Passes HIV/AIDS Affordable Housing Bill

he House on Thursday took up legislation that could set in motion changes in Puerto Rico's 112-year relationship with the United States

Arizona illegal Population dropping 10% a year (Since 2005, then Napolitano enforced the law.

141 Comments E-mail This Clip To: ! Tucson Sheriff Calls Arizona Law 'Stupid, Racist, Disgusting, Unnecessary" - Will Not Enforce It (VIDEO) News Type: Event — Seeded on Thu Apr 29, 2010 6:32 AM EDT Article Source: us-news, video, arizona, racial-profiling, tucson, arizona-immigration-law, arizona-immigration, clarence-dupnik, pim-county Seeded by Carloz advertisement Pima County's top lawman says he has no intention of enforcing Arizona's controversial crackdown on illegal immigration. Sheriff Clarence Dupnik calls SB 1070 "racist," "disgusting," and "unnecessary." Speaking Tuesday morning with KGUN9's Steve Nunez, Dupnik made it clear that while he will not comply with the provisions of the new law, nor will he let illegal immigrants go free. "We're going to keep doing what we've been doing all along," Dupnik said. "We're going to stop and detain these people for the Border Patrol." The sheriff acknowledged that this course of action could get him hauled into court. SB 1070 allows citizens to sue any law enforcement official who doesn't comply with the law. But Dupnik told Nunez that SB 1070 would force his deputies to adopt racial profiling as an enforcement tactic, which Dupnik says could also get him sued. "So we're kind of in a damned if we do, damned if we don't situation. It's just a stupid law."

Fox Down-American IQ UP

Shocking Law: Doctors Now Allowed to Keep Information About Birth Defects from Women in Order to Stop Abortions

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