
A Federal Judge Tells Trump His Approach to PR is" Unprecedented in MALICE” US Imperialism Should Must End in Puerto Rico

Emiliano Sala’s Plane is Found at The Bottom of The Waters and Nala His Dog, Waits By The Door

Living in Venezuela is Hard But Living in Venezuela As LGBT is Beyond Hard

Disneyland Will Officiate The Gay Day Pride Event in Paris!

Dignity For Gay People in India Is Fought Every Day, Is 50 Million Deaths ok?

70 yr Vladimir and His Gay Life Time Partner of 64 Nikolai Were Found Murdered in Their Home_Russian Town Shrugs It Off

Fatal Force by Police So far 56 and Last Year 998}} What is it Wrong with This Shooting Picture in a Modern Republic?

Trump Sought A Loan From Deutsch Bank During the 2016 Campaign

Review: ‘Dear Ex’ A Man Dies leaving Wife, Son and Secret Man Lover