
Twins Born to A Gay Couple But The Government would Only Recognized One As US Citizen

Ellen Page Talks About How She Was Pressured Through Speech and Dressing to Hide Her Sexuality

Venezuela's Soldiers Leave Their Post At The Border-This is Just One Day Of Many Bad Ones to Come

Iranian Student in Danger of Deportation to Iran Sweeden Won't Believe Him or His Boyfriend He'sGay

One Out of Five Gay Brits Trying to Change Sexual Orientation Ends Up Committing Suicide

Elections are Coming and Trump Wants to Sell How He Protects The LGBTQ Community But He Lies(This is How)

Jussie Smollett Is Getting Close to A Police Decision Unless Jussie Gets Ahead With The Police He Faces Jail

Martina Navratilova Ties Have Been Cut to an LGBT Group Because a Transexual Issue in Competition

The Burn is Already Passed, The Times Cold and Bernie Should Know His Time Came and Left

Trump Tried To Rush Nuke Technology to Saudis in Potential Violation of The Law