Puerto Rico Exploited by Spaniards, US and Now Racists Whites' Like TRUMP and His Creditor Backers

 What do you see? A President of the USA? What was he thinking if any? Can you trust this man? Get ready because is not even a full year yet and this time is going to be toilet paper coming your way next.

Introduction:  Puerto Rico's Governor Says the Republicans will Pay- Puerto Ricans will make them pay! for doing more damage to Puerto Rico's recovery than the two hurricanes put together. The Island has pulled out of disasters before. But now it has to fight the Federal government in trying to recover, months after Maria struck. The hurricane Maria is gone but what is left, is an island with 35% of residents without electric. More importantly is how the federal government has tied Puerto Rico's hand to help it's most vulnerable citizens. Those that need medical attention which keeps on dying unnecessarily. Well-over a thousand deaths and counting. 

Tending to the Sick: Ismael Ramos Serrano, 38, has epilepsy and lives with his mother, Esther, and many other family members. Their house can be stifling (they can only afford to run their generator for a few hours a day), and so Esther uses sponge baths to keep him cool. November 25. Photo: Matt Black/Magnum Photos

Maybe they want all the poor and infirm to die or leave the island so Trump could just make it his own personal gulf course and have winter houses for his cronies who now stand in front of any help, whether it be tax abatement which the island had for years and could now attract new investments (it was taken away with the new budget). More damage is being done by the Corps of Engineers fixing the grid. They quote a law which says they can only replace what the Island had, not something better, even if it turns out to be cheaper or better in the long run. That law if indeed is in the books can easily be taken out by the same people that just made Puerto Rico's **creditors richer but still claiming on-time payment from the island now, even if it costs the remainder of Doctors that are left and professionals like teachers and others alike. The only people making a good living now are the undertakers.
Adam Gonzalez, publisher

 The PR Government finally kicks out White Fish the company hired by FEMA which had few experience in the magnitude of this type of work and only a few employees at the time but they were politicly connected with a Republican Congressman backer of Trump and with his son being vice president of the company. 

More than three months after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico and destroyed much of its rickety utility grid, a third of the island is still without electricity. The US government has tasked the Army Corps of Engineers with rebuilding the grid, but federal law requires it to simply replace what was there before the storm — a collection of diesel-powered generating stations in the south connected by high-voltage transmission lines that cross mountainous interior sections to major population centers in the north. The result will simply be a replica of the fossil-fueled labyrinth that existed previously. No federal money will be spent on renewables or the microgrids that could alleviate the island’s continuing struggle with nature.

The history of Puerto Rico, like that of most Caribbean islands, is one of exploitation by wealthy white Europeans. After Christopher Columbus visited the area during his first voyage to the inappropriately named New World, he wrote to his benefactors in Spain about the inhabitants he encountered. “They would make fine servants,” he gushed. “With fifty men, we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want.”

Little has changed since then. Like Cuba, Puerto Rico was plundered first by the Spanish, then the Americans. The name itself means “rich port.” San Juan was a vital transportation point for Spanish galleons ferrying treasures stolen from Central and South America back to Spain.

Today, governor Ricardo RossellĂ³ expressed outrage and despair at the plight of Puerto Rico. “What are we going to do with a colonial territory in the 21st century?” he asks. “The United States has unfinished business. It holds the oldest and most populated colonial territory in the world.”

Upset at the lack of progress in getting the power back on — the Corps of Engineers blames difficulty in getting telephone poles and other supplies to the island — he is even more incensed that the tax bill passed by the Republican-controlled Congress eliminates some long-standing tax advantages that brought critical commercial investment to the island. Previously, companies that incorporated in Puerto Rico were able to claim domestic status for tax purposes, shielding them from a 12.5% tax on intellectual property that foreign corporations must pay.

The new legislation — cynically called a “tax reform” act — has “reformed” that important advantage right out of existence, meaning companies doing business there will have to pay higher taxes than before. That’s a distinct disadvantage to attracting new investment to the island — the investment that is desperately needed to build a functioning economy that depends on less on subsidies from American taxpayers.

RossellĂ³ is furious, and justifiably so. He tells Politico, “Everybody has seen the damage of the storm and yet policy decisions go in the opposite direction of where they should go. We’re not just going to standby. We are going to take action.” Some of those policy decisions include ignoring microgrid and renewable energy technology in favor of reconstructing a 100-year-old utility grid.

Those are big words for a territory that has no representation in Congress. “Having no representation is a clear disadvantage and if you need any more evidence of this just look at the tax reform,” RossellĂ³ says. “Just because we don’t have representation, we got railroaded.” How could RossellĂ³ possibly carry out his plan? By organizing the more than 5 million Puerto Ricans living in the US to become a cohesive political force similar to the Cuban American community in South Florida.

“We are a significant voting bloc in the United States that perhaps hasn’t been organized well in the past,” he says. “The diaspora, the Puerto Rican exodus, has always wanted to help Puerto Rico; it just hasn’t been crystal clear how they can do it. If we can establish that organization, we can have plenty of influence.” The governor’s office has already begun creating a database of Puerto Ricans and Latinos who live on the mainland to study how they could impact the political process.

RossellĂ³ believes those voters could have a significant influence in 14 states — Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Texas among them. “We are twice the size (of the Cuban American community). If we can get organized, we can certainly start swaying decisions our way and have at least some political leverage,” he says. “We will evaluate those who gave the good fight for the people of Puerto Rico and those that didn’t.”

Puerto Rico has been victimized for centuries by the deeply racist attitudes at the heart of colonialism. Its people have been the objects of loathing and hatred in America, attitudes central to such Broadway shows as West Side Story in 1957 and The Capeman in 1998. In Congress, the island is seen as a burden, populated by “takers” who contribute little or nothing to the national experience. It remains to be seen if Governor RossellĂ³ can change that political dynamic.

The mean-spirited attitudes so fully on display by Republicans in the past year has created significant new political engagement by women, African Americans, Latinos, and any other segment of American society that has suffered the backlash of racism at the heart of Republican orthodoxy today. Will the Puerto Rican community join together to assert themselves in upcoming elections? They will if Governor RossellĂ³ has anything to say about it.

**Puerto Rico and domestic entities linked to the U.S. territory owe creditors more than $70 billion. A double-whammy of devastating ... Puerto Rico lost access to the traditional municipal bond market in February 2013 after rating firms downgraded it to so-called junk status. That has made it more expensive to borrow.
